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Certified BILINGUAL Life & CAREER Coach
Individual Coaching or Corporate Training?

Are you an INDIVIDUAL looking to get from where you are now to where you want to be in as fast a time as possible?
I offer 1 to 1 Coaching in the following core areas:
- Building a More Meaningful Life & Career
- Career Transitions & Managing Change
- Overcoming Stress, Anxiety & Effects of Past Trauma
- Increasing Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
- Express Boundaries Assertively While Avoiding Conflict
- Better Manage and Maintain Relationships
- Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Fears
If these challenges resonate, I invite you to schedule a short discovery call with me below!

Are you a MANAGER or PROFESSIONAL looking to support yourself or your team with a professional development presentation or interactive workshop in one of the following areas:
- Time, E-mail & Workload Management
- Stress & Anxiety Reduction & Management
- Increasing Confidence & Assertive Communication
- Developing the Skills of Active Listening
- Working & Communicating as a Team
- Digital Wellness
- Achieving the Balance Between Work Effectiveness & Well-Being
- Mastering Collaboration & Resilience as a Team
If any of these topics resonate, contact me to discuss how we can customize a session(s) to meet your needs!

Hi, I’m Sam.
Thanks for dropping by. I know what it’s like to feel stuck, overwhelmed, unmotivated and anxious and it’s not a good feeling. Neither is feeling powerless, drained, discouraged and like you’re an imposter in your own job or life and don’t belong.
Whatever you’re going through, I can assure you that THERE IS A WAY FORWARD.
I know this for 3 reasons:
1) I have personally overcome tremendous challenges and this despite at times professional opinions saying I couldn’t! If I can learn to do this with so little support, you can too, especially with support!
2. I’ve helped thousands of people from all walks of life to not only gain greater confidence, skills and motivation but at times to overcome depression, anxiety, trauma and loss and to completely overhaul their lives for the better.
3. I draw a lot of inspiration from others who have also overcome seemingly insurmountable things and that’s how I know that it IS POSSIBLE. The human spirit is a beautiful thing. You are capable of more than you likely think you are. I’ll be happy to remind you.

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